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BICC Archives: 1983 USCA Nationals

Arlene Parker | Published on 2/24/2023
Today, we have a wonderful tale of the first time BICC members travelled to an international competition.This story, from the BICC Archives describes the time that Joe Beechie, Lorne Cook, Fred Erb, Hugh Gregory and Joe Laudenbach travelled to Florida's Palm Beach Polo Club to play during the USCA Nationals along with players from Bermuda.

As our Canadian Croquet community celebrates the recent ascendency of Canadian Croquet at the international level, it is interesting to look back exactly forty years ago to 1983, seemingly the first time Canada participated in an international croquet competition. 

In early 1983, the Bayfield International Croquet Club (BICC) accepted an invitation to represent Canada at challenge matches to be held in conjunction with the week-long USCA National Championships and pitting the US against both Bermuda and Canada at Florida's Palm Beach Polo Club. 
 Enjoy the full story by downloading it by clicking on the link:BICC Archive: 1983 USCA Nationals