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2023 Croquet Canada National Championship Results

Arlene Parker | Published on 6/17/2023

26 Players in the Tournament
The Association (A/C) Croquet Canada National Championship was held between June 7 and June 11. The venues were at BICC and the Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club. Twenty six players competed in three flights over 4 days. This popular tournament attracted players from British Columbia, Ontario, California, Massachusetts, Florida, Virginia and Michigan.

The weather was sunny and cool but rain free until Sunday when light rain fell for a short time. Air quality was somewhat affected by forest fires burning in Quebec. 

Top level play in the Championship Flight drew enthusiastic spectators. Five players finished 14 of their games with triple peels. Brian Cumming from the Aboyne Club in Elora, ON won the title.

The A flight was won by John Davies from BICC. The B flight was won by Peter Jeffers also from BICC.

BICC loves hosting this prestigious event! The opportunity for our members to play in the premier Canadian croquet tournament with and against some of the best players in North America is spectacular.