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Canadian National Golf & Association Tournaments

Arlene Parker | Published on 10/6/2021

It wasn’t the best wicket weather for the Canadian Open Golf and Association Croquet Tournaments held recently as some rather wicked rain soaked the lawns in both Bayfield and Seaforth, but fortunately, this did not seem to dampen the spirits of the tournament players.

The Canadian Open Golf and Association Tournaments sanctioned by Croquet Canada were hosted by Bayfield International Croquet Club (BICC) between September 19th and September 26th. Golf Croquet and Association Croquet are governed by the World Croquet Federation. Canada is a member of the World Croquet Federation and BICC is a member of Croquet Canada. Players shoot their 3 5/8" balls through a number of hoops that have no more than 1/32" excess width. 

The Canadian Open Golf Croquet Tournament ran from Monday September 20 to Wednesday September 22. The Tournament Director was Jerry Selk. The tournament kicked off  Sunday the 19th with practice time and a welcome reception for the players and guests. Players arrived from Toronto, Acton, Elora, St. Catharines, Campbell River B.C. and Pasadena, California. Games were played in Seaforth at the Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club and in Bayfield at BICC. Players and spectators were thrilled to observe some competitors playing the famous 'Egyptian' style of play that sees 1 lb. croquet balls hit at high speed and with enviable accuracy. The tournament started with all 18 players competing against each other in a round robin format and then separating into Championship and A Flight levels, based on their results in the first round. Four players from BICC stepped up to compete. Players braved the weather that started with cloudy but agreeable temperatures on Monday to driving rain, wind and finally unplayable courts on Wednesday. The Canadian Championship Golf Tournament was called due to weather and court conditions resulting in Mohammad Kamal from Pasadena, California sharing the title with John Richardson from Acton, Ontario. The A Flight Golf Tournament was played later in the week under improved weather and court conditions. The Canadian A Flight Golf Tournament was won by Brian Waslyk from Campbell River, B.C. 

The Canadian Open Association Tournament ran from Thursday September 23rd to Sunday September 26th. The Tournament Director was David MacLaren.  A welcome reception for 12 players and guests. Six of the Golf Tournament players also entered the Association Tournament. Seven of the 12 players were from BICC. The tournament attracted the top ranked Canadian player, Brian Cumming from Elora. Also competing were former Canadian Champions Bill Rowat and David Druiett from BICC. The format was again a round robin for all players who then separated into Championship and A Flight levels. The courts drained between Wednesday and Thursday allowing the competition to proceed. The weather continued to challenge players until Sunday when the weather improved and the sun came out for the semi final and final games. David Druiett emerged as the Canadian Champion at the top level while BICC's John Davies prevailed as the Canadian Champion at the A Flight level. 

Many BICC members came out to observe both tournaments and were invigorated by the competitions. Evening social events were held so players and guests could share food and drink, trade stories, learn about each other and become friends. BICC relies on member volunteers to help deliver all aspects and in the Bayfield fashion, our volunteers stepped up to make the 2021 Canadian Championships welcoming and successful! 

Phil Parsons, Toronto

Jerry Selk, Bayfield
Jim Wright, Toronto
Peter Jeffers, Bayfield
Clip Action

Arlene Parker, Bayfield
David Druiett, BICC, Sarnia
Bill Rowat, Bayfield
Brian Cumming, Elora

Nick Howell
John davies, Bayfield