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Permanent Shelter (Pavillion) Update

Arlene Parker | Published on 7/8/2020

Hello Everyone - the Board would like to let you know that they have decided to proceed with the Pavillion construction immediately.

If you have been out to the Courts to play you might have noticed the stakes indicating the area for the structure & concrete pad. 

You can review the plans for the Pavillion from the previous post of May 4th. 

This project has been a challenge in this environment of high demand for qualified contractors. The Club owes its thanks to some members who have contributed significant efforts to the project: Jerry Selk for spearheading the project; John Davies for sourcing quotes and contractors, preparing details and plans; Rob McCrea for site plan work; Philip Keightley for providing engineering advice and stamped plans to obtain a building permit. 

As mentioned previously, this structure is considered under the Building Code Act to be a 'public assembly' building that requires stringent structural design.

Local contractors will be building the Pavillion -  Rick Schilbe (Orchard Line) is crafting the timbers and erecting the structure with purchased roof trusses. Neutel 
Construction Ltd.  (Clinton) is completing the concrete work.  Doug Vandehaar  (Bayfield) is doing the site work/excavation. John Davies is the Project Manager.

The total cost of the Pavillion is estimated at $33,000 to $36,000.00. The Municipality of Bluewater has provided a grant in the amount of $10,000.00. The Municipality is also processing contractor payments so the Club can benefit from the Municipal HST rebate. The value of the rebate is approximately $4,000.00. The cost to the Club is estimated at $20,000 to $22,000. After careful consideration and upon the recommendation of the Treasurer the Board decided that there are sufficient funds in savings and in the current account to fund the project. For the Members reference, the project model is the building at Paul Bunyan Resort. That structure was in the neighbourhood of $30,000 with the owner doing much of the work himself. The Board is satisfied that the cost of the Pavillion is in line with comparable buildings and will provide a permanent benefit to the Club's Members. The project is expected to take 6-8 weeks depending on service providers' schedules. 

If Members have any questions regarding the Pavillion, please feel free to speak with any member of the Board. 

In the meantime, the Courts are in superb condition. Thanks to the Turf Committee and to Adriaan for his most excellent work!

The Board.