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COVID-19 Health and Safety Procedures

Arlene Parker | Published on 5/13/2020
Hello Everyone - thanks again to all Members who renewed their fees this year. This has allowed the Turf Committee and Adriaan to keep the courts in playing condition so that we can rev up when permitted. 

In early March the Board established an ad hoc Health and Safety Committee to prepare procedures for use of the courts when permitted. It is expected that the Premier will require physical distancing restrictions to remain in place for some time. The Health and Safety Committee protocol directs that singles play only will be the BICC standard on start up. 

Here is the Heath & Safety Committee's Covid-19 Protocol

When the Premier permits the courts to open, the Club encourages Members to please assess their level of comfort in using Club equipment and the facility. Your good health is of the utmost importance to the Club. 

The Board