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BICC Announces Plans During Covid-19 Pandemic

Arlene Parker | Published on 3/30/2020

Hello Everyone - The Board and Committee Chairs held a meeting March 29th to discuss actions that BICC can and should take during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first priority is to protect the health and safety on our Members. To address the first priority, two measures will be put in place:

Effective immediately, all events are cancelled until June 14th. Specifically, the following events are cancelled:
May 9 - New Members Open House
May 16 - 1 day Association Croquet, doubles Hi/Lo
May 16 - Presidents Reception
June 6 - 1 day Golf Croquet, doubles 
June 8 - 14 - Three Day, Golf Croquet, Open and Four Day, Association Croquet, Open Tournaments

The Board will re-assess activities as the situation evolves in the context of provincial directives and health agency recommendations. On March 28th the provincial government issued an order to prohibit organized public events and social gatherings of more than five people. The Board and Committee Chairs will meet again on April 26th to discuss opportunities beyond June 15th.

The second priority is to provide some opportunities for croquet play and ensure the long term sustainability of the Club. The decision has been made to maintain the courts fully as usual. It is imperative that the courts receive the usual treatment(s) so that a) BICC is ready to resume normal operations when it is safe to do so and b) there is no deterioration in court conditions that will require expensive restoration at a later date.

To this end, casual play will be permitted as soon as Club Health & Safety Procedures are in place. Please assess whether you feel comfortable playing. However, the Board requests that members not bring potential new members or non-members to the Club at this time. 

The Board has struck a sub-Committee that will put together Health & Safety Procedures to address sanitation of the facility and equipment. The details of these measures will be prepared and reviewed by April 5th and then communicated to Members. It is expected that every Member will be respectful of the purpose of these measures and comply fully with the protocols. 

Every facet of our society is already impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Board encourages our Members to work together and support each other in the spirit of BICC during this time. Bayfield International Croquet Club has a strong foundation that has been built by our Members. Our Club will emerge from this challenge stronger than ever. Stay safe, everyone.

BICC Board & Committee Chairs