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Happy Holidays from BICC

Published on 12/22/2019

Hello Everyone - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from BICC. Our Club continues to grow and  contribute significantly to the sport of Croquet in Canada.

In 2019 the Club purchased a top dresser on the advice of the Turf Committee. A successful year of fun tournaments, casual play, cocktail parties as well as a full calendar of competition concluded on Labour Day. 

Looking forward to 2020 the Board does not anticipate any extraordinary expenses. The Tournament Committee along with much needed help from the members will host both an international association tournament and a new international golf tournament. The tournament chairs Dave MacLaren and Jerry Selk will be sending out details soon. The dates have been entered in the event calendar.

The Pig Roast event needs Committee members - please consider taking on a role to organize or support/help. Further details will be sent out. 

Finally, a 'Croquet Speaker Series' will be held at the Lakehouse on January 23rd, February 27th and April 2nd. The format will be a presentation followed by Q & A while enjoying a beverage and a visit. We are so lucky to have highly skilled passionate players in the Club and they are eager to share their knowledge and experience. The first speaker will be Dave MacLaren on January 23rd who will be talking about Mallet Matters. Find out about the various types of mallets, how to fit one and where to buy. Bring your mallet to demonstrate! The second speaker will be Don Cook on February 27th who will be presenting the history of BICC. I love to hear stories about the Club! The final speaker will be Bill Rowat on April 2nd who will talk about all the places in Canada, the US and the world that he has played croquet. These talks are on Thursday nights in keeping with the regular Thursday socials during the season. Come out around 7:00 p.m. See you there!

The Board: Dave MacLaren, Arlene Parker, John Davies, Nick Howell and Karen Dalton.